Discover Purchaser’s
Top 50 of favorite imported European Specialties
Purchaser’s Favorite European Specialties from June 2021
Toplevel Supermarkets from the Middle East and South East Asia serve a melting pot of locals and expats. They present them with the widest range of high quality items, a lot of them imported from Europe. What European Specialties are most popular amongst purchasers in MESA countries? Eurochoice analyzed 3000+ orders from 142 purchasers from 8 countries. In this article we will tell you what they order most.
3000+ Orders
142 Purchasers
8 countries

What European Specialties are most popular amongst purchasers in MESA countries?
This article gives a summary of the results, after analyzing an extensive database of 3000+ orders from 142 purchasers from 8 countries. You can download the complete Top 50 here.

“Our customers serve the widest range of imported items, multinational brands, from 15 countries. Including organic, vegan, and diet products.“
Cees Mostert - Managing Director Eurochoice
Fresh Products like cheeses, meats and health products dominate the Top 50
If we look at the data from all orders from purchasers out of the Middle East and South East Asia, it directly shows that the Top 50 products are almost all fresh products, like meats, cheeses, followed by fish and health products.

Bram Wijbenga: “The top 3 will surprise you: these are interesting products AND interesting brands. We were surprised ourselves to see these make up the top 3. Take a look for yourself and download the complete Top 50.”
European Specialties Top 50
Middle East & South East Asia

Dutch, Italian, French and Spanish products rule the list
Fresh Cheese originates mostly from France, Italy and The Netherlands. The meats mostly come from The Netherlands, Italy and Spain. These are all exported via Europe’s gateway: The Netherlands. Eurochoice is an important consolidation hub in The Netherlands, that makes frequent deliveries of fresh products to supermarkets in the Middle East and South East Asia possible.

“A shipment often consists of 10-12 boxes with a variety of Dutch, Italian, French and Spanish - fresh - products. All of them precisely labelled according to local legislation and accompanied by the correct documents. That’s the challenge.”
The top 3 will surprise you
Bram Wijbenga: “The top 3 will surprise you: these are interesting products AND interesting brands. We were surprised ourselves to see these make up the top 3. Take a look for yourself and download the complete Top 50.”
“Eurochoice takes good care of me, we can get exactly the right products here, even the fresh ones.”
How on earth do purchasers get all these fresh products from Europe?
“A shipment will often consist of ten to twelve pallets of various European products. Everything gets a label in accordance with local legislation and has the correct documents. That’s what we’re good at.”

Tailored labelling
Controlled cooling
Air freight preparation
“Eurochoice can supply most European products; consolidated. That’s what purchasers from the Middle East appreciate in us.”
Check out the complete Top 50
Do you want to know all the favorite European Specialties that toplevel Supermarkets from the Middle East and South East Asia serve their customers? Then download
the complete Top50 for 2021: